Senin, 17 Februari 2014
Mission X Trans TV
Hey Hey all GUYS!!! How are you today???? Wie geht???? Im great thanks :) By the way anyway busway.. I wanna share my fav tv program mission X :D :D :D Its cool, funny and awesome!!!
Check it out!!!
Jumat, 14 Februari 2014
Valentine's Days

Happy Valentine's day everyone....!!!! How are you today??? How's your valentine??? COOL?! BORED?! JUST SOSO?! Awesome!!! OR CRAZy?!
First I wanna tell something for everyone who don't have any couple.. Being single is not that bad... You still can share your love with people around you :) Like friends or family and your self... :)

Valentine's Day is not a disaster for the singles, because love is not just for boyfriend or girlfriend wrote "Happy Valentine's Day
And then second I wanna say something to everyone who have couple :D :D :D... You are lucky!!! You should take care of your partner...Whatever her or his condition. Being in relationship not just sharing good moment only or sharing when you are happy but sharing in every condition... Be dare to share your real feeling ;)
Everything Valentine
You are my everything, Valentine.
As a desert creature longs for water,
my thirst for you can never be slaked.
In a ho-hum day dragging on,
thoughts of you bring excitement, joy and pleasure.
As a child opens the birthday gift he most wanted,
I see everything I want in you.
You are my everything, Valentine.
By Joanna Fuchs

Romantic Move for Valentine's Day :
1. The Notebook

2. Valentine's Day

3. Nothing Hill

That's some of romantic movie that you should watch on Valentine's day :) :) :) Have a nice day and Happy Valentine's day......
Rabu, 12 Februari 2014
This Women Shoulder Sprains Every Time She Sneeze

How pity this woman. How experienced every time he sneezed .
When Lauren Harry sneezed , she was used to prepare themselves to face the burden of pain . 20 -year-old woman 's shoulder dislocate any sudden jerks and he had to go to the hospital for a dislocated shoulder put it back in the normal place .
To make matters worse , he experienced dislocated shoulder could happen 20 times a day , and not just because of sneezing . Will also dislocated his shoulder every time he coughs , tripping , or even got a shock when he was driving .
Doctor that believes if Lauren has Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome , a genetic condition in which she was too weak to hold her limbs in place .
Lauren from Wrexham , North Wales , the first time have the disorder in his legs when he was 11 years old . When checked , the doctor just said if interference is caused by the growth factor .
But at age 15 , he fell from his stick , injuring the shoulder and since then the joints including the knee and sprained fingers on a regular basis .
" It really hurt , but I almost never cry . I do not want others to see the burden of pain that I experienced , " he said .
He had to endure pain wherever he is , even when it works though . "Everyone at work knew that I could not lift heavy objects , " he said again .
Lauren who works at McDonald's in Chester , is currently seeking funds to get specialist treatment at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore .
With conditions like that , Lauren said that if he tries to ensure that the disease does not prevent him to lead a normal life .
American Women Breastfed Puppies For Life Salvage

A woman from the State of Colorado , United States , took the unprecedented step when he learned his puppy refuses to eat anything else . He then did the only way he feels will save the puppy's life , breastfeeding the sickly puppy from her own breasts .
" I feel that the puppy will only survive for one hour. He was so weak and not moving , I ended up doing that action , " said the unnamed woman , told local television KRDO - TV , as reported by the Huffington Post , Saturday ( 8/2 ) .
" I do not know what I can do , I was desperate and I just could not sit there while watching the dog was dead , " he continued .
According to KRDO , it is a puppy dog orphans cared for by the woman . He already has 15 -month -old child and claimed to feel ' weird ' to breastfeed puppies .
But he insisted that the puppy will die if he does not take action . The puppy is now reported to have been much better and no longer breastfeeding .
According to KRDO , a photo of the dog in the middle of the breast feeding woman has made a sensation on the Internet , after the women had uploaded the picture on his Facebook page with an explanation of why she chose to breastfeed the puppies .
While many Internet users to wonder why she was in no hurry to bring the puppy to the vet before choosing actions to breastfeed the puppies , but some other user tries to defend him .
" I think this is a good thing , he did it to save a puppy , why not ? " write a comment on the site KRDO .
This is not the first time there was a dog event breastfed by a woman . In 2012 , the mother of two children , Terri Graham , told the British magazine , Closer , she regularly breastfeed her daughter 's dog , named Spider , for two years .
25 Unique Facts About Women
It is clear indeed created women different from men . Differences were left uniqueness which sometimes lead to misunderstandings or even admiration .
These are 25 unique facts about women , when you feel the true facts as you feel , do not forget to SHARE your Facebook account to let everyone read .
Fact 1 .
A kiss is the most favored woman in the forehead . In addition to feel loved and be loved , the woman feel pampered with a passionate kiss is not like this .
Fact 2 .
Men that too much serious make womans getting bored.
Fact 3 .
Women do not like men who often talk dirty and rough .
Fact 4 .
If you've fallen in love , it is difficult for women to find men who hated preferred .
Fact 5 .
Women do know how to control his emotions .
Fact 6 .
When her boyfriend called her name , she felt her heart fall into the stomach .
Fact 7 .
Women do not like men who like to pretend and lie .
Fact 8 .
Women really like a handsome man , but when a handsome ass , eeuuhhh.. :p
Fact 9 .
Women do not always take the advice , but prefer to vent and be heard when there is a problem .
Fact 10 .
Women do not like to guess - guess his feelings , that women prefer men who dared to ask and get to know him .
Fact 11 .
The woman was never able to forget her former lover , but she knows who he really is worthy of his heart .
Fact 12 .
The most desirable woman of the man is to be loved sincerely .
Fact 13 .
If she is upset , give it a little time alone , but still watch from a distance so that he never felt lonely .
Fact 14 .
Women will never not like romantic surprises .
Fact 15 .
Not all women like poetic sentences , but quite the phrase " I miss you " that will make the heart be melted .
Fact 16 .
Women also love when her hair stroked or rubbed his head gently .
Fact 17 .
Women are being spoiled , but it is also independent . So do not be underrated and underestimated.
Fact 18 .
Another thing that makes women melt is seen right in the eye , without saying any words .
Fact 19 .
Women like to remember important dates in his life .
Fact 20 .
Women being fond of shopping .
Fact 21 .
Almost all women love gossip moments .
Fact 22 .
Women are more talkative than men . It was natural .
Fact 23 .
Women like to say it is pretty when not wearing makeup .
Fact 24 .
Women easily forgive but hard to forget .
Fact 25 .
Women have a feeling that is very soft so it is better not to hurt her. .
How many facts above that true for you??? :D
These are 25 unique facts about women , when you feel the true facts as you feel , do not forget to SHARE your Facebook account to let everyone read .
Fact 1 .
A kiss is the most favored woman in the forehead . In addition to feel loved and be loved , the woman feel pampered with a passionate kiss is not like this .
Fact 2 .
Men that too much serious make womans getting bored.
Fact 3 .
Women do not like men who often talk dirty and rough .
Fact 4 .
If you've fallen in love , it is difficult for women to find men who hated preferred .
Fact 5 .
Women do know how to control his emotions .
Fact 6 .
When her boyfriend called her name , she felt her heart fall into the stomach .
Fact 7 .
Women do not like men who like to pretend and lie .
Fact 8 .
Women really like a handsome man , but when a handsome ass , eeuuhhh.. :p
Fact 9 .
Women do not always take the advice , but prefer to vent and be heard when there is a problem .
Fact 10 .
Women do not like to guess - guess his feelings , that women prefer men who dared to ask and get to know him .
Fact 11 .
The woman was never able to forget her former lover , but she knows who he really is worthy of his heart .
Fact 12 .
The most desirable woman of the man is to be loved sincerely .
Fact 13 .
If she is upset , give it a little time alone , but still watch from a distance so that he never felt lonely .
Fact 14 .
Women will never not like romantic surprises .
Fact 15 .
Not all women like poetic sentences , but quite the phrase " I miss you " that will make the heart be melted .
Fact 16 .
Women also love when her hair stroked or rubbed his head gently .
Fact 17 .
Women are being spoiled , but it is also independent . So do not be underrated and underestimated.
Fact 18 .
Another thing that makes women melt is seen right in the eye , without saying any words .
Fact 19 .
Women like to remember important dates in his life .
Fact 20 .
Women being fond of shopping .
Fact 21 .
Almost all women love gossip moments .
Fact 22 .
Women are more talkative than men . It was natural .
Fact 23 .
Women like to say it is pretty when not wearing makeup .
Fact 24 .
Women easily forgive but hard to forget .
Fact 25 .
Women have a feeling that is very soft so it is better not to hurt her. .
How many facts above that true for you??? :D
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