Happy Valentine's day everyone....!!!! How are you today??? How's your valentine??? COOL?! BORED?! JUST SOSO?! Awesome!!! OR CRAZy?!
First I wanna tell something for everyone who don't have any couple.. Being single is not that bad... You still can share your love with people around you :) Like friends or family and your self... :)

Valentine's Day is not a disaster for the singles, because love is not just for boyfriend or girlfriend wrote "Happy Valentine's Day
And then second I wanna say something to everyone who have couple :D :D :D... You are lucky!!! You should take care of your partner...Whatever her or his condition. Being in relationship not just sharing good moment only or sharing when you are happy but sharing in every condition... Be dare to share your real feeling ;)
Everything Valentine
You are my everything, Valentine.
As a desert creature longs for water,
my thirst for you can never be slaked.
In a ho-hum day dragging on,
thoughts of you bring excitement, joy and pleasure.
As a child opens the birthday gift he most wanted,
I see everything I want in you.
You are my everything, Valentine.
By Joanna Fuchs

Romantic Move for Valentine's Day :
1. The Notebook

2. Valentine's Day

3. Nothing Hill

That's some of romantic movie that you should watch on Valentine's day :) :) :) Have a nice day and Happy Valentine's day......
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