
Selasa, 05 November 2013

Horrible .....This type of drug can change people into a ZOMBIE

Maybe some of the people here do not believe there will be a zombie but it turns out it really does exist ! ! what is real there ? ? did not like the zombies in the film are just acting wild zombie is meant here is that apparently like zombie .. what makes them such a zombie ? ? question is surely awaited .. yaa way they turn into zombies because they consume a substance that is harmful DRUGS course not all drugs make people into zombies is just one type of drug .. which is CROCODILE DRUG that can make people transfigured into zombies ... more details can agan see review below .. Check it out guys ! ! !

Drug Crocodile is a new variant of the drug that now is quite interesting to discuss because the zombie effect . then on the times the author tries to explore and disseminate information from many sources on the net ( not from personal experience ) .
Crocodile Drug name. called Crocodile Drug or in the Indonesian language is Narkoba Buaya , because if people drink and dependence would then scaly skin like a crocodile . behind it there is also an interesting fact that people who consume it constantly - constantly skin will peel off and be like a Zombie . that is why this drug can make people live like zombies .

Crocodile Origins of Drug :

Crocodile Drug first discovered in Russia . Russia is a country of drug users in the world . But the Russian government managed to suppress the growth and trafficking of drugs . Now the drug , Heroin types very difficult to find , if there were , they were very expensive . Well , the idea arose to the ' crazy ' out of the Junkers / drug addict for dispensing the dangerous drug .

Crocodile is taken from the name of the street in Desomorfin . crocodile is addictive heroin substitute is very popular in Russia . The effect is 8-10 times more potent than morphine ( the same substance used in heroin ) . However , the price is much cheaper than heroin because the ingredients easily obtainable . compared , using Heroin costs $ 150 more for one time use but if use Crocodile Drug users only cost $ 6 to $ 8 .

Crocodile is a drug made ​​from a mixture of compounds , which are used in the manufacturing process desomorphine . Drugs that are not filtered , often contains high concentrations of iodine , which can disrupt the endocrine system .

Crocodile Drug phosphorus can cause interference , muscle , bone tissue attacked , and admixtures harmful heavy metals such as iron , zinc , tin and antimony . As a result, the nervous system , mineral imbalances , and inflammation of the liver and the kidney . and then terrible injuries occur where the skin peeled off until its bones visible and miraculously still alive and running , . ,

If you want imagine it..just imagine zombie in the movie...Do you want to broke your self by drugs guys???? Well, better you think twice to try it.... The other effect from drug not only make you addicted but also can transmid HIV virus and after few years you will know that you got AIDS.. No medicine that can help you to get your health back....:)
Better you stay away from drug... Cause drug and drink can't solve your problem... ;) Peace and LOVE :)

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