
Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

Cool & Crazy Pics

Check this out!!!!
Refres your mind :)
Have a lovely day :)

Are you DARE to do it???? :O

Will you try this shoes?????

Do You Know Why Rain Is Smelling???? :)

Hey guys :) How are you today??? Ohayo gozaimasu :) Ogenki desuka? Wie geht es dir ??? Apa kabar??? :) I hope all of you are good.. Let me share something about rain :) Even I dont like rain cause we can't go anywhere freely without rain coat or umbrella :) But do you know why rain is smelling??? :) Curious :) Check it Out!!!

Sometimes, people can feel the fragrance , like the fragrance of fresh- cut grass , after rain . What causes the fragrance after the rain ?

There are several things that could be causing the scent of rain . The common thing is that the oil vapor released by plants , bacteria , and chemicals .

The bacteria that cause the scent of rain is Actinomycetes , a filamentous bacterium that lives in the soil moist and warm and can be found in various countries around the world . When the soil dries out , the bacteria produces spores . When it rains , water drips to the ground making the spores lifted into the air and inhaled by humans . Because the spores have a distinctive fragrance , men who breathe it felt the scent . The aroma produced these bacteria will be felt when the rains followed by scorching conditions .

Similar scents produced by the steam plant oils secreted . Oil from the plant in the ground, and rock . Rainwater reacts with the oils that carry over into the air in the form of gas and smelled by humans .

The distinctive aroma of the rain as often packaged in bottles or cans and sold as air freshener .

Aroma rain is not always bad . Aroma caused by acid rain in the atmosphere produces an unpleasant scent . Chemical results of air pollution in the atmosphere could make hujam acidic . When rain reacts with organic matter or other chemicals in the soil , there was the scent . Reaction with gasoline could make a stronger scent . Rain as is often the case in highly polluted areas .

Three materials that are most common. There's more to other causes that make people different experiences in the smell of rain .

Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

This is The Schedule For The Blossoming Of The Sakura Blossoms in Japan

Reporting from the Japan Weather Association, it is estimated schedule results blossoming cherry blossoms across Japan. 

- March 20 >> Fukuoka 
- March 21 >> Nagasaki 
- March 24 >> Matsuyama, Kagoshima and Shizuoka 
- March 25 >> Hiroshima and Nagoya 
- March 27 >> Kyoto 
- March 28 >> Tokyo 
- 11 April >> Niigata 
- 12 April >> Sendai 
- 24 April >> Aomori 
- May 4 >> Sapporo

Anyone wanna go there????